World Environment Health Day Celebration

suraj school sec 56

Suraj School Sec. 56, Gurugram#MorningAssembly#colourfulworldofsuraj

#SpecialAssemblyonWorldEnvironmentHealthDay #StudentsGrades2and3 took the stage to celebrate World Environment Health Day under the theme of “Caring for Our Planet,”our young surajians showcased their understanding of the importance of a healthy environment for our well-being.

The assembly ended on a musical note, with the children dancing on a catchy eco-song, reminding everyone of the small yet impactful steps we can take to protect our environment.

This special assembly was a reminder that even the youngest among us understand the importance of caring for our planet. Let’s all be inspired by their passion and dedication to create a healthier and greener world for future generations.

#WorldEnvironmentHealthDay#CaringForOurPlanet#YoungEnvironmentalists #bestcbseaffilatedschoolingurugram#morningassembly#youngenvironmentalists